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    电影 天涯寻子路



    • 片名:天涯寻子路
    • 状态:HD
    • 主演:费德贾·范·胡艾特/弗兰克·拉默斯/RubenvanderMeer/安妮可·克里斯蒂安斯/艾瑞克·德·布鲁因/
    • 导演:艾瑞克·德·布鲁因/
    • 年份:2015
    • 地区:荷兰
    • 类型:剧情/
    • 时长:内详
    • 上映:未知
    • 语言:荷兰语
    • 更新:2023-08-10 15:23
    • 简介:J.KESSELS is both a hilarious road movie and a bittersweet trip down memory lane, a crazy ride in a flame-adorned Plymouth Gold Duster from provincial Holland to Hamburg's Reeperbahn and back. And a hallucinatory trip through the mind of an author, who no longer knows if his novel is a product of his own imagination, or if he is actually living it. The lead character is Kessels, a chain smoking tough guy with a heart of gold. Kessels and Frans are ageing youngsters who like nothing better than to consume nicotine, beer and country & western music. However, in Frans' novels Kessels and he are fearless crime fighters: heroes even, but the world around them is unaware of it. Heroes who create a flurry of misunderstanding at every step. Frans accepts the assignment for Kessels and him to kidnap a philandering criminal in Hamburg and return him to his wife, because the caller is the younger brother of BB, or Brigitte, once the focus of little Frans' prepubescent sexual dreams and awakening...
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    J.KESSELS is both a hilarious road movie and a bittersweet trip down memory lane, a crazy ride in a flame-adorned Plymouth Gold Duster from provincial Holland to Hamburg's Reeperbahn and back. And a hallucinatory trip through the mind of an author, who no longer knows if his novel is a product of his own imagination, or if he is actually living it. The lead character is Kessels, a chain smoking tough guy with a heart of gold. Kessels and Frans are ageing youngsters who like nothing better than to consume nicotine, beer and country & western music. However, in Frans' novels Kessels and he are fearless crime fighters: heroes even, but the world around them is unaware of it. Heroes who create a flurry of misunderstanding at every step. Frans accepts the assignment for Kessels and him to kidnap a philandering criminal in Hamburg and return him to his wife, because the caller is the younger brother of BB, or Brigitte, once the focus of little Frans' prepubescent sexual dreams and awakening...


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      4.0 马诺吉·帕瓦/迪皮卡·阿明/Ninad/Kamat/Divya/Jagdale/维奈·帕塔克/萨迪亚·锡迪基/康柯纳·森·沙尔玛/Anubha/Fatehpuria/布里杰德拉·卡拉/Sarika/Singh/Shrikant/Verma/Vineet/Kumar/Yamini/Das/Pushpa/Joshi/维金兰特·马西/
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      9.0 迷雾中的小镇/小镇缉凶/The/Dry/
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      8.0 男人之苦:望乡篇/Tora-san’s/Runaway/寅次郎的故事5:望乡篇/男はつらいよ/望郷篇/
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      4.0 焦万娜·梅佐焦尔诺/马西莫·吉洛蒂/雷欧·波瓦/菲利波·尼格鲁/塞拉·耶尔马兹/Maria/Grazia/Bon/马西莫·波吉欧/Ivan/Bacchi/
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      9.0 阿黛尔·艾克萨勒霍布洛斯/蕾雅·赛杜/萨利姆·克希乌什/热雷米·拉厄尔特/卡特琳·萨雷/奥雷利安·雷克因/莫娜·瓦尔拉芬斯/阿尔玛·佐杜洛夫斯基/安娜·卢瓦雷/本杰明·思科索/桑德尔·丰泰克/
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      3.0 郑秀文/梁家辉/胡军/吴彦祖/
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      9.0 艾米·亚当斯/艾米莉·布朗特/艾伦·阿金/杰森·斯佩瓦克/斯蒂夫·扎恩/
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      7.0 写真/Zerkalo/The/Mirror/镜子/Зеркало/
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      3.0 马里奥·阿多夫/安吉拉·温科勒/大卫·本奈特/卡特琳娜·塔巴赫/达尼尔·奥勒布里斯基/蒂娜·恩格尔/
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      5.0 阿斯尔汗·托列波夫/阿彦·乌特普波根/库拉莱·安娜尔别科娃/Tlektes/Meiramov/阿丽娅·阿努瓦尔别克·特列巴里索娃/Toleubek/Aralbai/爱德华·安达尔/Nurlan/Alimzhan/Dauren/Sergazin/Artur/Tolepov/Aidos/Akmyrzayev/Meirzhan/Beissenbekov/多斯卡汗·索沙季诺夫/Tungyshpai/Al-Tarazi/博拉特·阿迪尔马诺夫/别里克·艾特占诺夫/Azat/Bazarkeldi/Yessim/Segh/
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      5.0 人间喜事/人生大事2/永生花/Viva/La/Vida/我们一起摇太阳/
    • 正片
      7.0 A/Boy/and/a/Girl/少男少女/
    • 正片
      5.0 走投无路的原偶像/选择与完全陌生的大叔一起生活/人生に詰んだ元アイドルは、赤の他人のおっさんと住む選択をした2023/走投无路的原偶像/选择与完全陌生的大叔一起生活/人生に詰んだ元アイドルは、赤の他人のおっさんと住む選択をした/




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